The New Generation

Welcome to Skylab:
The New Generation

The New Generation

Skylab is the crown jewel of NASA's visionary approach to human exploration. It commands respect for science and for the scientist no matter their age, gender or title. 
10 years of research 
in 98 minutes !!!

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" It is so far beyond anything released previously, including the handful of official NASA films, that it stands alone and it shines as brightly as its mostly forgotten subject."
" It is so far beyond anything released previously, including the handful of official NASA films, that it stands alone and it shines as brightly as its mostly forgotten subject."

Rob Godwin, CG Publishing

Broaden Your Earthly Horizons

Winner of 28 International Film Awards

10 Years Of Research
in 95 minutes ! 

Earthly Horizons

Why Skylab? 
Skylab is the crown jewel of NASA's visionary approach to human exploration. It commands respect for science and for the scientist no matter their age, gender or title. 
It teaches us to be in awe of the uniqueness of our planet, to take the global view, to find the courage, the skills and the resilience to follow in the steps of the people involved and to learn from their extraordinary teamwork, planning and foresight as they laid the ground for what we can do today in, with and from space. 
Skylab holds such an important place in human history that it needs to endure for generations to come.
Why Skylab? 
Skylab is the crown jewel of NASA's visionary approach to human exploration. It commands respect for science and for the scientist no matter their age, gender or title. 

It teaches us to be in awe of the uniqueness of our planet, to take the global view, to find the courage, the skills and the resilience to follow in the steps of the people involved and to learn from their extraordinary teamwork, planning and foresight as they laid the ground for what we can do today in, with and from space. 

Skylab holds such an important place in human history that it needs to endure for generations to come.
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We Offer Expert Support!
Sharing a Skylab story Yourself?
We Offer Expert Support
We have a long history of supporting businesses and individual projects in dealing with Skylab and space travel.
We have a long history of supporting businesses and individual projects in dealing with Skylab and space travel.
We have a long history of supporting businesses and individual projects in dealing with Skylab and space travel.
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